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Compact sewing kit containing 6 sets of coloured threads, 2 buttons, safety pins, 2 poppers, 3 sewing needles, 3 pins, tweezers, scissors and a...
50ml instant hand sanitiser gel in a clear PET plastic bottle with a secure push down lid. Includes branded bottle label. Contains 62.5% alcohol...
30ml instant liquid hand sanitiser spray in a PE plastic bottle. Contains 62% alcohol. Conforms to EN1276 approved.
ABS plastic 115mm diameter travel mirror with built-in battery powered ring light and fold-out stand/handle.
Rugby ball shaped PU stress ball.
Light bulb shaped PU stress toy. An ideal promotional item for energy companies, schools, marketing agencies and more.
Cricket ball style stress toy. Whether it be for a cricket club or sports event, this is the ideal cricket themed promo to help relieve stress...
White brain shaped stress toy
60ml hand sanitiser gel in clear plastic casing with a white flip top lid and silver carabiner. Contains 62% alcohol. Confroms to EN1276.
4.5g lip balm housed in a frosted plastic casing with a twist action. Conforms to EN1233-2009.
30ml oval shaped had sanitiser in a coloured silicone casing with matching coloured loop closure. Contains 62% alcohol. Conforms to EN1276.
20ml hand sanitiser spray in a slim, practical size translucent plastic casing. Contains 62% Alcohol. Confroms to EN1276.
50ml large hand sanitiser gel in clear plastic casing with a white spray top lid and silver carabiner. Contains 62% alcohol, Confroms to EN1276.
Hydroalcoholic gel for hygiene and skin cleaning in a 60 ml, refillable bottle, with dispenser and safety cap. Transparent body and white color cap...
Basic 60mm diameter stress ball available in a variety of colours.
68mm diameter rainbow stress ball.
T-shirt shaped PU stress toy.
Cube Shaped Stress Toy Available In Three Colours
A set of 2 PU building bricks. 1 white block and 1 coloured block. Price includes 1 colour print to 1 brick only.
Lorry shaped PU stress toy with coloured cab, wheels and other detailing.
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